///////////////Activitats passades_Past activities///////////////////
8 d'agost 18h... liveperformance 45' **dancing cub**
8th august 18h... liveperformance 45' **dancing cub**
8th august 18h... liveperformance 45' **dancing cub**
30 de juliol 18h... conversa al cub amb l'Oscar Abril Ascaso
30th of july 16h... conversation in the cube with Oscar Abril Ascaso
14 de juliol 12h....Venen el col.lectiu les Golfes per ensenyar el seu treball i parlar d'il.lustració, còmic, fanzines i altres sorpreses!
14 of july 12h.... The Golfes colective are coming to show us there work and to talk about ilustration, còmics, and other surprises!!
23 de juny 11h classe magistral d'anglès: How to be nice with the important people. Round 1 musicians. Per fer uns gorgoritos en la llengua d'altri
23 de june 11am... masterclass: How to be nice with the important people. Round 1: musicians. To learn how to be more ridiculous in your english xit xat